Do you want to learn more about laryngeal imaging and videostroboscopy, how to apply the VALI-R rating method for interpreting and documenting videostroboscopy within reports, tips on performing the exam, clarity on “what is normal”, tips and tricks for getting the best pictures/views, troubleshooting when performing exams, and a variety of voice and upper airway related diagnoses and suggestions related to therapeutic and/or surgical interventions with a general mission to teach you how to apply strobe findings to voice treatment planning and/or appropriate referrals???
Then this course is for YOU!!
Do you want to be a part of monthly virtual strobe rounds with others that have also completed this course?
Then this course is for YOU!!
What you'll get:
4.5 hours (51 lessons!) of self-study including videos, pictures, and research based information within the course and/or provided as handouts...
The opportunity to participate in monthly strobe rounds including case studies, discussion, and mentoring as needed...
A certificate of completion (if you complete the short assessment after finishing the course) and the opportunity to submit these hours to ASHA as 4.5 contact hours...
Learning Objectives:
*Participants will learn to apply laryngeal imaging appropriately for the purposes of describing exam results and treating voice, upper airway, and swallowing disorders (as applicable).
*Participants will demonstrate understanding of the WHAT, WHEN, WHY, and HOW related to laryngeal imaging and videostroboscopy.
*Participants will develop basic techniques for laryngeal videostroboscopy, including an introductory to intermediate level of performance and interpretation of exams, with a focus on interpretation using the VALI-R.
*Participants will demonstrate an understanding of how to apply videostroboscopy findings to voice treatment planning and/or appropriate referrals.