STROBES OF THE WEEK!..and Reminders about PYV!


Strobes of the Week!

(See video above and see/swipe through the instagram post for the additional two videos...)

Remember, these videos are of VOCAL FOLDS!!!!!!!!  ;) 

I just...

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Research Submitted, Vocal Warm Up vs Vocal Rescue, and PYV via Steam & Nasal Breathing!


Research Submitted...


Hey friends!!!!

Just checking in… been really REALLY focused on completing the journal article that @lamikhail and I hope to get published in the very...

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Dysphonia Among Hairdressers, EMST-150 Revisited, and PYV!

Dysphonia and Risk Factors Among Hairdressers...

YOUR HAIRDRESSER. You see them once every few months (or more or less), and they’ve become your friend. They’ve been with you through...

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SPOHNC Support Group Presentation, GRATITUDE, and PYV!

Scottsdale SPOHNC Support Group Presentation: Optimizing VOICE Through Head/Neck cancer Treatment and Beyond...

Wow I am incredibly grateful and I feel so blessed to be able to have given a...

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Vocal Loading and Buteyko Breathing...

The Week of April 18th and 25th BLOGs: 


4/18/22 -- Hump Day Health:  (Vocal Loading)

"Hoarseness, vocal fatigue, scratchy throat, & the eternal urge to clear the throat are...

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MORE Good News about SOVTEs!!

July 15, 2021




A new research study (Savareh, et al., 2021) investigated the immediate effects of semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTEs) as a vocal warm-up in...

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Vocal Fold Cyst

January 18, 2021


Vocal Fold Cyst


Vocal fold (VF) cysts are benign growths (not precancerous or cancerous lesions) made up of a collection of material—usually mucus—that is...

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PROTECT your VOICE from the COLD!!

January 6, 2021





COLD TEMPS got ya down?! It’s easy to happen in these cold winter months. Wherever you live, aim to do all you can to prevent...

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How Can You CREATE a New Vocal Habit?

June 17, 2020


Ok, you KNOW that you should PRIORITIZE your vocal health AND perform vocal warm-ups and other vocal exercises before/after your occupational voice use…BUT despite your good...

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More on Muscle Tension Dysphonia...

May 21, 2020


Muscle Tension Dysphonia Part Two: The Importance of a Whole Body, Mind, and Voice Treatment Approach...


Inefficient &/or hyperfunctional use of the muscles of the larynx,...

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