IMPROVEMENTS and PYV: What Makes Your Voice FEEL BETTER?--New Research!!


The Week of June 22nd & July 5th BLOGs:  


Tuesday Toss Up: IMPROVEMENTS...

(see video above for a visual!!!)

PRIORITIZING YOUR VOICE can be as simple as listening to...

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ALLOW vs force and PYV: MINDSET!!

The Week of June 6th BLOG: 


Tuesday Toss Up: ALLOW vs force

ALLOW your VOICE (vs force it). ALLOW your BREATH. ALLOW a stretch. Your body already knows what to do. ALLOW your...

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Preparation, Occupational Dysphonia, and PYV!

The Week of March 22nd BLOG: 



Read that again.


WHAT are you preparing for? WHO do you desire to become? 


It’s that day to day...

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Frequency and Vocal Fatigue, Loudness, and PrioritizeYourVoice--Tuning IN!!

The Week of Jan 24th BLOG: 

TUESDAY TOSS UP:  Frequency and (Vocal) Fatigue


Whaaaaat?! Yea, it’s the TRUTH. 


And what is important is not only the SPEED of the vocal folds...

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Gains Without the (Vocal) Strain...

February 9, 2021
Have you ever thought about the impact of BREATHING on exercise? What about the impact of BREATHING on weightlifting? Have you ever felt yourself HOLD YOUR BREATH while you...
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