Happy WORLD VOICE DAY!! If it was up to me, World Voice Day would be celebrated EVERYDAY (as it should be!), so CHEERS to another day of recognizing April...

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Yoga and Voice!, Garden Hose Revisited, and PYV!!

The Week of June 22nd & July 5th BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: YOGA and VOICE!

Recent literature reveals that yoga and pranayama are reported to improve the voice quality of...

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Humidification, MORE On Hydration, and PYV!


The Week of June 13th BLOG:   




Are you aware that you might sleep with your mouth open? Do you use a fan while...

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Education on Healthy Vocal Behavior, New Research on Japanese Herbal Medicine, and New Years PYV (STEAM)!


The Week of Jan 10th BLOG:   


Education on Healthy Vocal Behavior


“Education on healthy vocal behavior is an essential component in the prevention of...

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Hoarseness from Teaching is NOT Normal, Impact of Vocal Hygiene Training, and New Years PYV (WATER)!

The Week of Jan 3rd BLOG: 


TUESDAY TOSS UP: Hoarseness from Teaching is NOT Normal

In a survey of 237 primary school teachers, 1/3 of the teachers sought professional help...

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Hydration Boot Camp: Part 3 of 3...

August 5, 2019


Nebulize your way to optimal hydration...

READ THE FIRST TWO PARTS OF THIS HYDRATION BOOT CAMP SERIES to give you a foundational understanding of the positive impact of hydration...
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Hydration Boot Camp: Part Two of Three...

July 30, 2019
READ LAST WEEK’S POST (PART ONE) to give you a foundational understanding of the positive impact of hydration on the VOICE. As stated in the post, there are two types of...
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Hydration Boot Camp: Part One of Three

July 23, 2019


"The Warm Up" -- Get to Know the Research...

A simple review on the importance of hydration if you are an occupational voice user: The more hydrated you are, the less effort will...
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Let's Go Out!!

June 10, 2019
Life should include FUN…and I highly encourage you to have A LOT of it…BUT as an occupational voice user, it’s important to BE AWARE of the effects a fun...
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Vocal Hygiene: Episode #1!

January 13, 2019
VOCAL HYGIENE is a term used by voice specialists referring to behaviors and/or habits one may practice (or not practice) that impact vocal health. Good vocal health is one of...
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