TEACHER STUDY DATA, FITRPO RESEARCH and UPDATES, The 6th Annual International ILO Upper and Lower Airway Conference, TIPS to Avoid Vocal Exhaustion VIDEO, and PYV!!


Enjoy A LOT of educational & inspiring blog reading & be sure to roll your shoulders & focus on "low and slow" & nasal breathing as you do! Make it a GREAT day. YOU...

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CALLING ALL TEACHERS!! Recruitment for Our Upcoming Research Studies!


This is a special blog post dedicated to providing information related to recruitment for our upcoming research studies...

Read on and please SPREAD THE WORD!!


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GET VOCALLY Inspired in 2024, Impact of Vocal Hygiene on Vocal Fatigue, Preventative Voice Training, & PYV!

Enjoy some educational & inspiring blog reading & be sure to roll your shoulders & focus on slow & nasal breathing as you do!

Make it a great day,

EVERY moment is precious.

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HOLIDAY HEALTH HACKS!!! (and as always, PYV!).





And thank you @sharnee_lee_scott for asking/inspiring me to do this one!!!!! 

The HOLIDAYS are SUCH an incredible time of the year🙏🏻😍… But...

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Power of the PLANK, PRESS ON, Collaboration between SLP and Dentist, New Research on Teachers, & PYV!

Enjoy some educational and inspiring blog reading and be sure to roll your shoulders and focus on slow and nasal breathing as you do! Make it a great day!


POWER of the PLANK!!! 


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LARYNGEAL IMAGING COURSE(!), Walk For Talk, and new PODCAST Feature!


This Blog Post is jam PACKED with information, updates, videos, pictures, and MORE! Take a shoulder roll, slow and full breath in and out, reset from your day, and READ ON! 



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Duration of Straw Phonation, TRISMUS, THE NOSE, and PYV!

Duration of Straw Phonation...

Have you ever wondered HOW LONG to perform straw phonation?! The current research normally suggests that 2-5 minutes is very effective… which makes it so easy...

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What's Your Plan?, Lingual Tension Release, and PYV by Managing MTD...


What's Your Plan?...

PRACTICE. YES this is real life. This is from MY phone. I do it too. AND IT’S AWESOME. Practice: Make it a routine. Intentionally INSERT practice within your daily...

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Vocal Fold Damage, SinCity Laryngology Conference 2023, and PYV!



Vocal Fold Damage...

…These collisions can cause pathological tissue changes, possibly leading to vocal nodules and voice quality changes. SOVTEs OPTIMIZE voice production with...

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Dysphonia Among Hairdressers, EMST-150 Revisited, and PYV!

Dysphonia and Risk Factors Among Hairdressers...

YOUR HAIRDRESSER. You see them once every few months (or more or less), and they’ve become your friend. They’ve been with you through...

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