Make Sure You're Looking at the Whole Vocal Picture...

December 2, 2019


Your VOICE is the one part of you that can reach out & actually “touch” someone—without physically touching them at all. Your VOICE can truly IMPACT others,...

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Meds, Herbs, & Voice!

November 27, 2019


Your meds might be helping you, but are they hurting your VOICE? Meds &/or herbs may negatively affect your larynx & it’s important to be aware of the side...

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Myofascial Release


November 6, 2019


Absolutely incredible myofascial release course last weekend in Raleigh with @waltfritzpt !! Loved the course—the learning, evidence, anatomy, physiology,...

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Fall Voice Conference 2019 Recap


October 21, 2019


Still on a VOICEHIGH from the incredible Fall Voice Conference 2019 this past week in Dallas! The Fall Voice is an annual conference that focuses on "the clinical care of...

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All The Feels...

October 7, 2019


Let’s face it…Sometimes the VOICE can be WEIRD!...And to all of us voice lovers & voice science geeks, WEIRD is so beautiful…BUT to everyone else, the...

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Prevention Mindset = Growth Mindset

September 23, 2019
Prevention Mindset = Growth Mindset.
What do I mean by that?
Why do we work out? In most cases, the answer involves something related to prevention of...
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Laryngitis...What You Need to Know

September 15, 2019
Laryngitis is an inflammation or swelling of the larynx (voicebox) from overuse, irritation, or infection; the most common cause is a viral infection (think: cold, flu,...
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Calling All Fans!!...

September 3, 2019
Raise your hand if you’re excited that football season is here!!!
Raise your hand if you’re a FAN of anything for that matter!
As a fan, you might feel it is...
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Working Out Benefits Your Voice! (Part TWO)...

August 27, 2019
Read last week’s post related to this topic (Part ONE) as it sets a great foundation...
Exercise can be viewed as engaging in physical activity to sustain or...
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Working Out Benefits Your Voice! (Part ONE)...

August 19, 2019
Have you ever wondered how or why physical exercise, strength, &/or movement might impact the VOICE?! Anyone need ANOTHER great reason to hit the gym or studio?! (...
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