Career Wake Up, WHAT is your MISSION?, and PYV!


The Week of July 25th and August 1st BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: Career Wake Up

Check out the video above related to this post! I made a fun reel on instagram and was easily inspired...

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Yoga and Voice!, Garden Hose Revisited, and PYV!!

The Week of June 22nd & July 5th BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: YOGA and VOICE!

Recent literature reveals that yoga and pranayama are reported to improve the voice quality of...

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STAY in Shape..., Drop Your Shoulders, and PYV Friday!

The Week of May 3rd Blog: 


Tuesday Toss Up (STAY in Shape So You Don't Have to GET in Shape...)


STAY ready so you don’t have to GET ready…


This applies to SO...

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Vocal Loading and Buteyko Breathing...

The Week of April 18th and 25th BLOGs: 


4/18/22 -- Hump Day Health:  (Vocal Loading)

"Hoarseness, vocal fatigue, scratchy throat, & the eternal urge to clear the throat are...

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If It's Too Heavy, Put It Down.

November 4, 2021


If It's Too Heavy, Put It Down.


Alright voice FAM, this applies to LIFE and to VOICE.

IF something is too heavy, you must put it down.

IF your hands are full, don’t open...

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Sub-occipital release for eliminating tension...

September 4, 2020


Did you know the muscles in the back of your neck can hold a lot of tension?!...and that this can have a negative impact on your voice?


The sub-occipital release aims to...

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March 26, 2020




With all the added stress you may be experiencing from the current COVID-19 situation, now is a great time to prioritize your VOICE. You have the time, now CHOOSE...

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