Yoga and Voice!, Garden Hose Revisited, and PYV!!

The Week of June 22nd & July 5th BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: YOGA and VOICE!

Recent literature reveals that yoga and pranayama are reported to improve the voice quality of...

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Humidification, MORE On Hydration, and PYV!


The Week of June 13th BLOG:   




Are you aware that you might sleep with your mouth open? Do you use a fan while...

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Vocal Energy and PYV by Prioritizing Your Fitness!...


The Week of May 24th BLOG:   


Tuesday Toss Up: VOCAL ENERGY


# T. R. U. T. H.

Vocal energy speaks PASSION and PURPOSE.
Exude yours out to...

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Vocal Loading and Buteyko Breathing...

The Week of April 18th and 25th BLOGs: 


4/18/22 -- Hump Day Health:  (Vocal Loading)

"Hoarseness, vocal fatigue, scratchy throat, & the eternal urge to clear the throat are...

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Southwest Laryngology Conference Recap and Prioritize Your Voice Video!


The Week of April 4th BLOG: 

Southwest Laryngology Conference Recap...

What an INCREDIBLE few days at the Southwest Laryngology Conference!!! I am truly honored to have been...

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Preparation, Occupational Dysphonia, and PYV!

The Week of March 22nd BLOG: 



Read that again.


WHAT are you preparing for? WHO do you desire to become? 


It’s that day to day...

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Why SOVTEs?, TEACHERS!, & Prioritize Your Voice Reminders...


The Week of Feb 14th BLOG <3:  

TUESDAY TOSS UP:  Why SOVTEs? (Gimme One Reason...)

HOW BOUT A TON OF (research-based) REASONS?!
How do semi-occluded vocal tract exercises...

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Education on Healthy Vocal Behavior, New Research on Japanese Herbal Medicine, and New Years PYV (STEAM)!


The Week of Jan 10th BLOG:   


Education on Healthy Vocal Behavior


“Education on healthy vocal behavior is an essential component in the prevention of...

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Occupational Voice Use, Throat Lozenges, and New Years Prioritize Your Voice!


The Week of Dec 27th BLOG: 

TUESDAY TOSS UP: Occupational Voice Use 

“Consequences for increased risk of verbal communication disorder implying voice problems are expected to...

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What is MDTP?

September 27, 2021


What is MDTP?


Super excited to now be a certified MDTP provider! The McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP) by Dr. Michael Crary & Dr. Giselle Carnaby is a systematic...

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