New YEAR New OPPORTUNITIES, Holiday Health Hacks, Surface Hydration Research, and PYV!


Enjoy some educational & inspiring blog reading & be sure to roll your shoulders & focus on allowing full-body breathing as you do! Make it a GREAT day. YOU are worthy...

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TEACHER STUDY DATA, FITRPO RESEARCH and UPDATES, The 6th Annual International ILO Upper and Lower Airway Conference, TIPS to Avoid Vocal Exhaustion VIDEO, and PYV!!


Enjoy A LOT of educational & inspiring blog reading & be sure to roll your shoulders & focus on "low and slow" & nasal breathing as you do! Make it a GREAT day. YOU...

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HOLIDAY HEALTH HACKS!!! (and as always, PYV!).





And thank you @sharnee_lee_scott for asking/inspiring me to do this one!!!!! 

The HOLIDAYS are SUCH an incredible time of the year🙏🏻😍… But...

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Power of the PLANK, PRESS ON, Collaboration between SLP and Dentist, New Research on Teachers, & PYV!

Enjoy some educational and inspiring blog reading and be sure to roll your shoulders and focus on slow and nasal breathing as you do! Make it a great day!


POWER of the PLANK!!! 


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Dysphonia Among Hairdressers, EMST-150 Revisited, and PYV!

Dysphonia and Risk Factors Among Hairdressers...

YOUR HAIRDRESSER. You see them once every few months (or more or less), and they’ve become your friend. They’ve been with you through...

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"Walk for Talk" and PYV (Movement is MEDICINE)!


The Week of September 19th BLOG: 



Tuesday Toss Up: "Walk for Talk" Fundraising Event for Dysphonia International/NSDA

**Check out the video above that goes right along with this...

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Career Wake Up, WHAT is your MISSION?, and PYV!


The Week of July 25th and August 1st BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: Career Wake Up

Check out the video above related to this post! I made a fun reel on instagram and was easily inspired...

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Yoga and Voice!, Garden Hose Revisited, and PYV!!

The Week of June 22nd & July 5th BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: YOGA and VOICE!

Recent literature reveals that yoga and pranayama are reported to improve the voice quality of...

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Vocal Energy and PYV by Prioritizing Your Fitness!...


The Week of May 24th BLOG:   


Tuesday Toss Up: VOCAL ENERGY


# T. R. U. T. H.

Vocal energy speaks PASSION and PURPOSE.
Exude yours out to...

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Projection, Working HARD for Voice, Bodily Exercise, and PYV Friday!!

The Week of May 9th and May 16th Blogs: 


5/10/22 -- Tuesday Toss Up (Projection)

On this week’s #tuesdaytossup, let’s go over some good reminders about how to MOST...

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