Know Thyself...Know Thy Voice.

April 30, 2020


Know Thyself…Know Thy Voice.


One of the BEST ways to take care of your voice, prevent voice disorders, and maintain optimal vocal function for your occupational or professional vocal demands is to KNOW THYSELF. This is not only GREAT advice for your voice, but also your physical health, mental health, spiritual health, and YOUR LIFE. If you are not in tune with what is “normal” for you, it will be difficult to notice any small changes before they become bigger ones. It is so important to check in with yourself often as you may notice changes in the way you feel, sound, or think. Your observation of these slight deviations from “your norm” and ability to act on these may save you from a much larger problem. 


Health professionals are very knowledgeable and have a great ear for abnormalities in the voice, but in the grand scheme of things, it is YOU who knows your vocal instrument the best. It is YOU who has the power to NOTICE a change in voice quality, an increased vocal fatigue during your otherwise routine tasks, or an increase in muscle tension with extended (or any) voice use. Pay attention to how your voice FEELS when you are relaxed. Notice any changes in the voice quality or “feel” of your voice at the end of a long day or even at the end of a short phone conversation or zoom call. Notice any changes when you are sick, tired, or stressed. Notice how hydration, temperatures, atmospheres, foods, physical activity, and/or weather affect your voice. Is your voice impacted by time of day or a specific activity? Does anything make your voice better?...Does anything make it worse? 


The more proactive YOU are in actively monitoring your vocal health and function and listening to your voice as it speaks to you (however discreet or obvious that may be), the more you will set yourself up for consistent vocal success. Your voice should be reliable and ready for you whenever you need it—KNOW YOUR VOICE, NOTICE your voice, and CARE for your voice. You can do that better than anyone else. 


“Know thyself: know your strengths and weaknesses; your relation to the universe; your potentialities; your spiritual heritage; your aims and purposes; take stock of thyself” (Socrates).  


Stay Connected!