Vocal Spice!

June 4, 2019


Variety is the spice of life. It’s also the SPICE of your VOICE. As an occupational voice user, you MUST avoid monotone at all costs. A voice without variety is a voice that is not listened to, no matter the high quality of your message and the genuine place of passion and purpose from which you speak it. You MUST understand and appreciate the value of your use of vocal spice to enhance your message delivery and overall connection to others.
How might you add some spice to your vocal delivery? Consider how you want to make others FEEL. The experience you craft through your voice is about the journey you create, how you make others FEEL, and the energy you bring and generate while “playing” your instrument, your voice. How do you speak the message in your heart? Others will FEEL your authenticity through your voice and the ways that you use it to create connection. Your energy introduces you before you even speak…so what kind of energy do you want to bring? And once you do speak, does your voice follow through congruently with that energy?
A voice that is interesting and full of energy will be more appealing than one that is not. YOU have an important message to share with the world; you have a one-of-a-kind mission to fulfill in your daily life as an occupational voice user. Your voice is the vehicle and instrument to deliver that message and execute that mission. Inject your words with meaning by adding vocal spice! Create a deeper connection through speaking with emotion, using pitch inflection and emphasis, varying tone of voice, establishing a sense of urgency utilizing purposeful command, altering rhythm and rate of speech, and honoring the power of the pause. Communicate energy via your words, voice, body language, posture, and even your facial expressions.
In addition, a monotone voice uses the same pitch for an extended period and is as tiring and imbalanced on the vocal mechanism as a physical posture of standing at attention for hours would be on the body. It is of high importance to get out of that monotony and break the pattern whenever possible, not just for the listener, but also for your own physical and physiological health as a voice user. The more varied and different a voice can be—the better—as this dramatically enhances communication just like spice adds flavor to an otherwise bland dish.
What you exude, others inhale. Bring your energy…and use vocal spice to create a lasting impact on others.

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